Beauty. Music. & Boston Lifestyle

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What next?

My life has become very unpredictable, leaving many windows, doors, and any object you can open… open. It can be challenging, yet exciting, to know what step to take next. As I discussed my next foot prints with a co-worker I asked for one piece of advice… what she wish she knew when she was in my shoes. Her answer was simple: “Write. Start a blog and write about anything; clothes, make-up, fitness, food, travel, friends, family, sports, adventures. Just write.” She went on to explain how writing will always be a extremely useful skill in any professional endeavor, but yet can be lost without solid practice. I could not agree more. So here, in my blog I will write, and practice the timeless skill of putting thought into words. I don’t know if I will every share this with people, I don’t know what I will write about, and I don’t know when, but all I know is I am going to write. 



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