My life has become very unpredictable, leaving many windows, doors, and any object you can open… open. It can be challenging, yet exciting, to know what step to take next. As I discussed my next foot prints with a co-worker I asked for one piece of advice… what she wish she knew when she was in my shoes. Her answer was simple: “Write. Start a blog and write about anything; clothes, make-up, fitness, food, travel, friends, family, sports, adventures. Just write.” She went on to explain how writing will always be a extremely useful skill in any professional endeavor, but yet can be lost without solid practice. I could not agree more. So here, in my blog I will write, and practice the timeless skill of putting thought into words. I don’t know if I will every share this with people, I don’t know what I will write about, and I don’t know when, but all I know is I am going to write.
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