Music has been an important part in developing human culture since music was first
created. It is an element that is known in all society and drives many religious celebrations.
Music has the power to expand the mind and possibles in the human spirit. It has been
researched and discovered how music can be a medium of communication between people
from all different backgrounds. It is a language that allows all people to be on the same level of
society. This language is created from feelings that transfer into tone, melody, and rhythm.
Everyone has their personal structure on how they interoperate this musical language but it is
that interruption that creates the communication. These interaction become culturally embedded
into the time they are received and how they are responded to. How people respond to the
music is something deeply rooted in that person and is known to be at least partly due to
genetics. It is the most natural language humans use.
Music is constantly changing, just like fashion, slang, politics, the economy, and different
fads. Usually these changes are connected in some way. Music depicts the time it is created in.
The lyrics show what is important and relevant while the melody gives a look into the overall
feeling. Plato said that the purpose of the arts was to helps shape emotions, and to instill
It has been shown in research that music has developed from natural sounds in the
environment that humans began to recreate. Sounds and rhythms patterns were first repeated
in very simple ways. Many animals in the world have been observed creating music or
something sort of sound with a rhythm. Birds are probably the most well known for their musical
talents. Monkeys have also been known to beat on hollow logs to create a call and response
sequence. If it is believed that music is defined by intentional emotional manipulation produced
with vocal or instrumental sounds then music emerged between 60,000 and 30,000 years ago.
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